Adding user's to Google Group after submission

  • frankiepb98
    Asked on December 29, 2015 at 7:44 AM

    Hi, I want to create a google group request form. I could not find anything in the forum, so it was better to ask for help. Right now, the jotform is working great and is linked to google sheets. 

    I saw that you have a facebook like box, and users have to sign in before they submit. Do you have the same for google plus? Can the form submitted show that google plus account? My plan is to manually add the users once they are approved.

    Another option (current version) is to ask them for their google accounts, but not all of them know this, and being automatic is more user friendly. I will never ask for passwords or else, and this is not a login form. I only want to added them on group, but having a few responses from them.


  • Charlie
    Replied on December 29, 2015 at 11:30 AM

    I presume you are referring to the Facebook Like Box widget, however, it seems like it is not anymore active, I can't see it in our widgets page.

    Unfortunately, we do not have an integration or plugin that allows you to add users to a Google Group or Google plus after or before the form is submitted. I also check other 3rd party cloud integration like Zapier and itDuzzit, they also do not have this option.

    Perhaps automatically adding your users' email in your Google Contacts and group them from there would work as a workaround? You can either use Zapier or itDuzzit for this. You can check the links below: 


    Let us know your thoughts.