Auto Responder doesnt appear to be working correctly

  • currency_research
    Asked on January 7, 2016 at 10:49 AM

    Ref: 1452112004


     My colleague contacted you yesterday about the auto-responder not working correctly for the form 'Europe CCS Breakout Form 2016'.


    This form was cloned from another form (Americas CCS Breakout Form 2015) for which the auto-responder worked perfectly.


    I have tried testing several times myself and have had no auto-responder, and my colleague has received an auto-responder that went directly to her spam folder - again, which didn't happen previously.


    Please advise.


  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on January 7, 2016 at 2:58 PM


    I see you have reported the same issue on this thread : 

    One of my colleagues replied to you and seems you have followed the advice, since I tested your form and have entered my email address, I checked the email log and  I can see the email was successfully sent.

    Auto Responder doesnt appear to be working correctly Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Auto Responder doesnt appear to be working correctly Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Could you try again please ? 

    Do let us know if it works now, if not, please provide us with the email address with you tested, we will make a test in order to replicate your issue.


  • currency_research
    Replied on January 11, 2016 at 4:04 PM

    Thanks Kevin - i didnt actually change anything (that i am aware of!) but the email did send - directly to my junk folder, as it also did for my colleague. I havent changed any mailbox settings, and am a little worried that the mae will happen to all the respondants - it there anyting that can be done from the jotform end to stop the autoresponder being directed straight into junk folder?


  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on January 11, 2016 at 5:56 PM


    You could ask to your email provider to whitelist our IP Addresses, you will find them on this link : 

    Also, you may follow this guide, it applies for notifications and autoresponders, in order to prevent bouncing related issues : 

    Once you whitelist our IP Addresses, you should receive emails from JotForm in your Inbox folder.

    Do let us know if you need more help.
