Improve loading/processing time of payment form with 50+ products and 300+ sub products

  • raphaelbelasco
    Asked on February 10, 2016 at 6:55 PM

    Boa Noite,


    Ao abrir o formulário, há uma lentidão muito grande. O que pode ser feito para que ele abra mais rapidamente?

    Fico no aguardo




  • Charlie
    Replied on February 11, 2016 at 3:38 AM

    The form has a lot of products in the payment tool. It has 57 products with around 300+ sub products. It takes a couple of seconds for the form to finish loading. 

    I also noticed that you have enabled the "Send POST Data", are you sending your data on a PHP script? If not, you can disable it.

    Improve loading/processing time of payment form with 50+ products and 300+ sub products Image 1 Screenshot 20


    The current solutions that I can think of is to (1) embed the form on a web page using it's full source code that would improve the loading and processing time a little, (2) remove the page breaks, have the form in one page only, that should prevent the validation on each page to trigger and add weight on the processing time. Here's a cloned form that has no page breaks, it loads quite a bit faster that the one with page breaks: 

    I'll forward this to our developers to have it checked and see if they can make improvements.