We have page breaks in our forms but the "next" doesn't take us to the top. How do we fix this?

  • YWCP
    Asked on February 19, 2016 at 12:44 PM

    Hi, we have recently added some JotForms to our website. Some have page breaks. When we fill in the form and hit "next," the subsequent page does not show the top of the next page of the form, but either the bottom or middle.  How can we get the alignment correct?  Thank you.

  • Charlie
    Replied on February 19, 2016 at 2:11 PM

    It seems like your website prevents the script responsible to jump or scroll the form to the top part of the form. May we know how you have embedded your form to your website?

    If I am not mistaken, you are using Joomla? I'm not quite sure if what version you are using, you can try the following guides on how to embed the form:





    See if any of the above methods on how to embed your form works and if it jumps to the top page, usually, CMS websites uses iframes to load outside scripts or resources like JotForm, so some scripts might be blocked on the process. 

    Let us know if that works.

  • YWCP
    Replied on February 24, 2016 at 11:45 PM
    Thank you - we have gotten this to work! We appreciate your taking the time to write back with solutions.
    Kaneez Munjee
    Managing Director
    Young Women's Choral Projects of San Francisco
    (415) 312-7787
  • Boris
    Replied on February 25, 2016 at 8:29 AM

    On behalf of my colleague, you are most welcome, Kaneez.

    If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know by simply opening a new support thread, and we will be there to assist you.