Can I disable a value in the dropdown box based on date

  • RichBitch
    Asked on March 23, 2016 at 9:43 PM

    On my form I would like 'Christmas eve' and 'News Years eve' disabled in my dropdown unless 24.12.2016 or 31.12.2016 is input in the resevation date

    Maybe in conditions something like:

    if 'reservation date is not equal to 31st Dec or 24th Dec then hide or disable 'Christmas Eve' and.or 'New Years eve' from dropdown menu

    Does that make sense, sorry

  • Boris
    Replied on March 23, 2016 at 11:25 PM

    There is unfortunately no direct way to disable only some of the options from a Drop Down field - the conditions for disabling a field can only disable/enable an entire field, and not the individual options.

    Probably the best way to approach this would be to use two different Drop Down fields for the Reservation Date, and conditionally show one if Reservation Date is equal to Christmas or New Year, but show the other one if it is not equal neither to Christmas nor to New Year.

    You can use a combination of show and hide actions in the same condition, so when the condition is met, one field is shown and the other is hidden. This will automatically mean that when the condition rule is not matched, the first field will be hidden, and the second one displayed.

    Please let us know if this could work to your satisfaction.

  • RichBitch
    Replied on March 31, 2016 at 3:49 PM

    Thank you for your help.