Jotform submission PDF download on a Mac does not work or I cant find it - Can you help?

  • kura1136
    Asked on March 25, 2016 at 5:24 PM

    When I download a pdf submission on a PC the pdf is easily found.  When I download on a Mac I cannot find it.  I have to use the "Get PDF" Feature rather than the "download as" feature.  I prefer the "download as" feature because it is more efficient.  Can you help me?  Its strange - if I do a complete search in the finder folder on my mac i cannot locate it.  

    Before I sent I attempted to use the "download as" feature on a newer Mac computer and it worked fine.  Maybe its an issue with the older Mac.  Any advice?  

    Love Jotform - Can you send me a tshirt? ;)


    Mark Kulmer

  • Boris
    Replied on March 25, 2016 at 6:00 PM

    When you say "download as" feature, could you please describe a little more about what you mean? Are you right-clicking on PDF link in your email notifications or somewhere else?

    If your browser is not prompting you where to save the files to, it will automatically save them in the default predefined Download folder, or the last folder you've used for downloading files. I believe the following guide will help you find the folder in which your browser is saving its downloaded files:

    Alternatively, you can also try pressing Command+Option+L on your keyboard, which should bring up the list of your recently downloaded files in Safari.

    I hope this helps.

    If you believe that the downloads are actually not being served from our end, I would ask you to please let us know (1) what Mac OSX version you are using, (2) which browser, and (3) how you are getting the download so that we can check whether there are any issues with our system in serving downloads to that configuration.

    Thank you.