Form gets distorted when go button on iPad is clicked

  • Starmo
    Asked on May 15, 2016 at 1:07 AM
    I have installed my form in an iframe using Xara web designer, when doing a
    test form submission on an ipad, which is showing the desktop version of my
    site, if the 'go' button on the keyboard is pressed at anytime while
    filling the form, then it changes the layout so not all the form is visible.
    Secondly, when testing on mobile version, when clicking on submit it takes
    me to another screen which is almost completely hidden right at the top of
    the page which looks to have another submit button.
    Please can you help on this
    Many thanks
  • Elton Support Team Lead
    Replied on May 15, 2016 at 1:11 AM

    First off, I suggest to re-embed your form using iframe embed code. This might fix the two issues.

    By the way, when you make a test submission, make sure to enter the correct captcha, otherwise, you will be prompted again with the captcha upon submitting the form.