Monthly is still charged even if card is declined for Startup fee

  • billflinn
    Asked on May 20, 2016 at 12:33 PM

    We tested the Stripe with a Debit Card with a small Balance.
    The card was declined due to insufficient funds.
    The debit card was charged $10.
    The Stripe link was to charge a 899.00 Down and $10 per month.
    Apparently the $899 failed but the Monthly ($10) was collected.

    How do we fail the entire transaction if the Credit Card Fails to pay the Down Payment.


    No notice was given in the link... only Declined.
    Our concern is that our customers will be upset if the monthly was charged when they were told that the transaction was Declined.

  • Jeanette JotForm Support
    Replied on May 20, 2016 at 1:30 PM

    We have canceled and refunded the latest 2 charges of the Bronze subscription you had with us, the reason is that you are violating our terms of use by creating a lot of forms that request credit card critical information on plain text fields, this is prohibeted. On top of that, you seem to be spamming our forum. If you have a concern or question, you must open a single thread and explain in details.

    Your description above is confusing, is this about a form that is integrated with Stripe or so? If that is the case, then you should contact Stripe support.