Duplicate Form Entries

  • dianeberg
    Asked on June 1, 2016 at 10:51 AM

    hello - 

    I have setup several forms on 3 websites: Event registrations and membership applications.  We have been getting several duplicate entries. When I test the forms it appears to be a easy process to follow. Do you know if it is a browser issue or have any insight to why the user feels it did not go through? any help would be appreciated. 



  • liyam
    Replied on June 1, 2016 at 11:49 AM

    Hello dianeberg,

    It appears that the persons who made the submissions were refreshing the page after making the submission. This may happen if after completing the form, they close their browser and then once they open it, they open from the last session they've had on the browser used. You will notice that there is a gap difference in the time of posting between each duplicate submission.

    To prevent this matter from happening, you can set a restriction on your form by going to Preferences > Advanced > Unique Submission > Select Check Cookies Only

    Duplicate Form Entries Image 1 Screenshot 30Duplicate Form Entries Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Once done, click Save Changes

    If you have questions, please do let us know.
