Inventory widget: Quantities are not deducting but adding

  • sonyahbt
    Asked on August 17, 2016 at 7:55 AM


    we are currently running this form to collect names for breakfast slots at one of our events.

    Yesterday the numbers were being deducted each time someone booked a slot, but today when someone books a breakfast slot it adds numbers to the quantity rather than deduct them?

    Can you explain why this has changed over night without any of our members of staff adjusting anything with the form?



  • Charlie
    Replied on August 17, 2016 at 10:42 AM

    Apologies for the inconvenience.

    I cloned your form and tested it on my end but I am unable to replicate the problem, the quantity in the Inventory widget is properly deducting, I presume you have not edited anything on it? If you have adjusted the available quantity, then that would explain the difference on what is being displayed, it checks if the option is existing in your submission list.

    Here's my screencast testing my cloned form and the widget:

    Inventory widget: Quantities are not deducting but adding Image 1 Screenshot 20


    I also refreshed your widget setup just to make sure, you can do it by simply opening the widget setting of the Inventory widget and clicking the "Update Widget" button.

    Could you please test it again in your end and see if the problem persists?

    Apologies for the inconvenience.

  • sonyahbt
    Replied on August 17, 2016 at 11:06 AM

    I cloned a previous form to create the one in question because the new form needed to be almost identical to the previous one hence why we cloned it rather than create a new one from fresh.

    I then adjusted the time slots of the widget by adding a 1 x new timeslot and altering all the quantities. This was the only adjustment I made to this form at the beginning of setting it up.

    Should I have removed the widget from the new cloned form and then re-inserted it from fresh?

    Thanks HBT

  • Charlie
    Replied on August 17, 2016 at 12:11 PM

    I believe it should be fine, as long as you have click the "Update widget" button and you have click the save button, then the widgets should be associated on that form specifically and should not be affected by the original form where it was cloned. 

    Could you please continue to monitor it? If the problem persists, please let us know. Please also let us know if there's a special process flow in your end on how the forms are being filled out, is it embedded on a website, are you importing existing submissions, etc...