How do I add a downloaded link

  • womenincharg3
    Asked on August 25, 2016 at 8:20 PM

    How do I add a downloaded link on my form

    I'm a music publisher and would like for people

    submitting their music to first read the contract

    and I would like it to be downloaded on anyone

    phone or computer. I would like to add it to this form which

    I will be redoing 

    Please help

  • jonathan
    Replied on August 25, 2016 at 10:22 PM

    First, you need to have the file hosted so that you can have its download link.

    You can have the file hosted by uploading it on file server or file hosting service provider.

     You can upload it to your jotform account (as long as you have enough upload storage you can use). Get the file link and add on your form.


    Use integration that have file uploading feature like Google Drive, Dropbox,, or even FTP service. You can create the download link of the files using these 3rd party file hosting services.

    To add the link of files to your form, you can do it using the TEXT field. You can add the text with link of the hosted files in your form.

    The form user then will be able to use the text link to download files.

    Hope this help. Let us know how we can be of further assistance.