Why am I receiving error: Form not found This form is disabled

  • Leandrobarbosa95
    Asked on September 3, 2016 at 10:09 AM

    Why does my form this appearing this error "Form not found

    This form is disabled. "?

    Jotform Thread 923715 Screenshot
  • Boris
    Replied on September 3, 2016 at 10:29 AM

    Your form 62464234655660, named Carrinho 1, was disabled for violation of our terms. Your form was collecting username and password combination, which is considered a phishing activity and is strictly against our terms. Here is what your form was asking:

    Why am I receiving error: Form not found This form is disabled Image 1 Screenshot 20

    You can review our full terms of use from the following page:


    In order for us to reactivate your account, these form fields that were violating our terms had to be removed. Please refrain from asking for similar information through your forms in the future, and kindly make sure to stay within our terms of use.

    Your account is now active, and your form is working once again. If you need any further clarifications or assistance, please let us know.