My forms are disabled

  • agencialolah
    Asked on November 8, 2016 at 6:31 AM

    Bom dia, meus formulários foram desativados. Sem motivo algum, como proceder?


    Good morning, my forms have been disabled. For no reason, how to proceed?

  • amy
    Replied on November 8, 2016 at 7:02 AM

    Hello agencialolah,

    Sometimes the system can detect some fields in foreign language as "Phishing" and suspend the account with forms.

    When I checked on your forms, I came across with "CPF". After my researches, I've learnt that meaning of CPF is social security number in Brazilian. Collecting personal sensitive information such as password, SSN, credit card, etc is against our terms of use.  

    My forms are disabled Image 1 Screenshot 20

    I deleted CPF field and I activated your account. Your forms should  become active now.

    If you've problem anyway, please don't hesitate to write again.

    Thank you.
