Paypal integration not working

  • ltpowell24
    Asked on April 8, 2017 at 12:11 PM

    I've reviewed the other questions but haven't yet found a solution that works for me. My Paypal integration isn't working, once I click submit I can not move beyond the "Please Wait". Also, the authorized payment amount is not transferring so not sure if that's why I can move to the Paypal payment page.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Mike_G JotForm Support
    Replied on April 8, 2017 at 6:11 PM

    I would like to apologize for any inconvenience this is causing you. I have checked the website where your form is embedded and I see how the form is embedded. May we know where did you get the embed code you used, please? Also, have you tried test submitting your form using only its direct link (not embedded)? Were you also having the said issue you described in your post?

    Since your payment field isn't receiving any values from the "Total Registration Fee Due" textbox field, it is possible that the issue you're having is caused by the empty payment field.

    I see that you have used the condition below to pass whatever value there is in the "Total Registration Fee Due" to the "Authorized Payment Amount" (payment field).

    Paypal integration not working Image 1 Screenshot 30

    We would like to apologize, however, in order for you to pass an amount to a payment field from regular fields, like textbox field, you first need to transfer it to a Form Calculation widget then set up that widget as the selected "Get Price From" option in the payment field.

    The instruction on how it is done is found in this guide: How-to-Pass-a-Calculation-to-a-Payment-Field

    Aside from removing the condition above from your form, you can also remove the condition that calculates the total registration fee due.

    Paypal integration not working Image 2 Screenshot 41

    You can use the Form Calculation widget as the "Total Registration Fee Due" instead.

    Here's a guide that instructs how you can use the widget for your computations: How-to-Perform-Form-Calculation-Using-a-Widget

    I hope this helps. If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us again anytime.

    Thank you.

  • ltpowell24
    Replied on April 8, 2017 at 9:44 PM
    Thank you for your response. I used the direct and changed the theme
    setting but it keeps going back to the default theme. However, I'm less
    concerned about that at the moment as I may need to access the html code to
    fix it. I removed the conditional logic as suggested above and added a
    calculation widget so the amount to be charged is now visible, however I
    still can't proceed beyond the submit button. It just says "Please wait"
    but I'm never directed to Paypal. Any suggestions on what may be wrong?
    Thanks again for your help!
    *L**isa Powell*, *Chief Inspiration Officer* *l* 469-319-2601

  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on April 9, 2017 at 3:28 AM

    There is an error related to the oEmbed function within your WordPress CMS. This is the reason why the form gets stuck at please wait.. message.

    Paypal integration not working Image 1 Screenshot 20

    To fix this, re-embed the form using our iframe method:

    Or, try using our Embed Form plugin for WordPress:

    I hope that helps.

  • ltpowell24
    Replied on April 9, 2017 at 4:44 PM
    I re-embeded the form using iframe and that seems to have solved the
    problem. Thanks so much for your responsiveness and help!
    *L**isa Powell*, *Chief Inspiration Officer* *l* 469-319-2601
