Users unable to use form on mobile devices

  • stolly11
    Asked on May 17, 2017 at 4:02 PM

    I've had users contact me about not being able to register on mobile devices and certain browsers.  I just tried from my phone and the form does not appear.



  • jonathan
    Replied on May 17, 2017 at 4:46 PM

    I was able to see the issue when I viewed using mobile browser on your website. The form is not available on your website.

    Users unable to use form on mobile devices Image 1 Screenshot 30


    But everything seems to work just fine when using only the form own URL

    Users unable to use form on mobile devices Image 2 Screenshot 41


    Can you please try first re-embedding the form on your website. When you re-embed, use the iframe embed code of the form. Do not use the JS embed code.

    User guide:

    See if this modification resolve the issue. Let us know if issue persist.