How to make Square payment section to fit correctly on my website?

    Asked on July 23, 2017 at 8:26 AM

    I use square payments and the form doesn't fit on my wordpress sidebar. Some of the form fields hang off of the edge and it looks unprofessional. How can I make it fit? I am not able to change the width of my sidebar on my wordpress site currently, so that is not an option.


  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on July 23, 2017 at 12:33 PM

    I've fixed it for you by injecting the following custom CSS codes in the form:

    table.form-address-table.payment-form-table {

        table-layout: fixed !important;


    iframe#square_cc_number {

        width: 93% !important;


    iframe#square_cc_ccv {

        width: 93%;


    iframe#square_cc_exp {

        width: 93% !important;


    iframe#square_cc_postal {

        width: 93% !important;


    To check the custom CSS codes, follow the steps on this guide: