Have links in text box work like checkbox.

  • AgilityAssoc.Canada
    Asked on September 11, 2017 at 1:11 PM


    On my form 63423134202946 I have two checkbox areas to select option for second size of shirt type.

    I want to eliminate these and use links in a text box to select these options instead. Have links in text box work like checkbox Screenshot 30

    These checkbox options display hidden fields when selected. Can I have the links in the text box do the same?

    The TXP textbox link has the following code:

    <a id="TPX" style="color: #dd0000; text-decoration: none;" title="TPX" href="TPX" name="TPX">TXP</a>

    Here is the conditional logic. 


    Have links in text box work like checkbox Screenshot 41


    None of this works

    What would you suggest I do? Is this possible?

    Thank you, Regards, Robert

  • BJoanna
    Replied on September 11, 2017 at 2:04 PM

    I am not exactly sure if I understood your request correctly. Do you want to replace the check box field with the text box (Short Entry) fields? Or do you want to use a Text field? 

    For security reasons, it is no longer possible to add HTML code to the field labels. 

    You can use the Text field, but it is not possible to set a condition based on the text field. 

    If you just want to hide the check boxes and leave the text, you can do it the the CSS. 

    label#label_input_293_0::before {

        display : none!important;


    label#label_input_293_1::before {

        display : none!important;


    label#label_input_293_2::before {

        display : none!important;

    label#label_input_293_0::after {

        display : none!important;


    label#label_input_293_1::after {

        display : none!important;


    label#label_input_293_2::after {

        display : none!important;



    How to Inject Custom CSS Codes

    The users will still be able to click on the options. 

    Have links in text box work like checkbox Screenshot 20

    Here is my demo form: https://form.jotformpro.com/72535557966976 

    If I did not understand your question correctly, please explain in more details what are you trying to achieve.

  • AgilityAssoc.Canada
    Replied on September 11, 2017 at 2:33 PM


    I like your fix, is it possible to change the color of a selected item,

    Example: TXP-1 (not selected) TXP-1 (selected)

    Thank you,


  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on September 11, 2017 at 3:27 PM

    You can inject the following custom CSS codes to style the color of the checkbox items, selected or not:

    #id_293 input[type="checkbox"] + label {

        color: #d81107;


    #id_293 input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label {

        color: #0064f0;


    Note that this is only for the first checkbox item. If you want to apply this code to other check boxes, simply change the #id_239.



  • AgilityAssoc.Canada
    Replied on September 11, 2017 at 3:31 PM

    Hi, Thank You, I will give this a go. best Regards Robert