Page order

  • Finnform
    Asked on October 31, 2017 at 8:12 AM

    If using conditional logic, do I have to skip to a page number in later sequence?  For ex. I was trying to skip back to an earlier page; I just get to a 'submit' page. If it is not possible to go backwards, how do I move an entire page (change the page order)?

  • Rose
    Replied on October 31, 2017 at 9:21 AM

    As I checked, you have more forms in your account. So, I could not check the thinh you ask on your form. Could you please send your form ID? In addition to that, I also kindly ask you to elaborate your request with some additional information. 

    On the other hand, I'm attaching here our user guide about skip to page condition. You may want to have a look at it: