Where can I access and update my personal support questions/answer/thread???

  • jackiepoa
    Asked on December 11, 2017 at 12:39 PM
    Re: Is there a way for the ID Number (first field) input to be converted to a bar code?

    where can I revisit/update this support "ticket".  I've searched for barcode, bar code and jackiepoa. 

    in case there is no way to revisit an existing question... I created a CLONE of the existing form to try to implement the response from Jotform Support.

    Instead of a FONT displaying the {MEMBER ID} in barcode format, all that happens is an IMAGE of a barcode is displayed.

    What we needed is for the {MEMBER ID} to be displayed as a barcode (the barcode itself, with the small numbers underneath).


    Jotform Thread 1319894 Screenshot
  • David JotForm Support Manager
    Replied on December 11, 2017 at 1:41 PM

    First, if you need to revised your question asked in the support forum, simply go to Support->Forum, and click on My Questions button:

    1513016752myquestions Screenshot 10

    On regards generating a barcode based on a form field, unfortunately, we do not have a barcode widget. We only have the Dynamic QR Code widget that is generated based on your users responses: https://widgets.jotform.com/widget/dynamic_qr_code 

    If you do not know how to add a widget to your existing form, here is how: https://www.jotform.com/help/252-How-to-Add-a-Widget-to-Your-Form 

    Let us know if you need more helpl

  • jackiepoa
    Replied on December 11, 2017 at 6:57 PM

    Another vendor has the MY QUESTIONS to the left...sorry about that.  If it were a snake it would have bit me for sure.  Thanks!

    And, sorry also about the barcode...the person who needed a barcode says that my test did INDEED produce a barcode he could read.

    So...ALL IS WELL (I just have to make the image smaller...that I can probably manage).

    Thank you again!!!