JotForm Dropbox Integration - Keeping the two more separate.

  • cgregoire
    Asked on February 26, 2018 at 10:55 AM

    Hi. Couple of quick questions:

    1. I only want the uploads to go to Dropbox. I do not want a pdf copy of the submission to go to dropbox.

    2. I don't want my files stored on JotForm at all: The reason for using dropbox is because I'm running a photo contest, and if the files are stored on JotForm they are going to fill up my box too quickly. That's why we're looking to integrate Dropbox.


    3. The jotform submission will list the name of the uploaded image, so I don't need to have the form submission link to the file in Dropbox. We'll log in separately and parse the information out.


    Is what I've said completely doable?


  • Elton Support Team Lead
    Replied on February 26, 2018 at 1:13 PM

    1. This is currently not possible, but I can submit this as a feature request. Once this is implemented we will let you know. For now, you will have to manually delete the included PDF file.

    2. Use this app to autodelete the submissions data as well as the uploaded files on every submissions you received Take note that it is not possible to restore them in JotForm once deleted. You will have to check the files on the integrated services like Dropbox.

    Or you can manually delete the form submissions whenever you want. Deleting the submissions also deletes the files attached to it. Guide:

    3. Sorry, but I am having challenges understanding this part. Could you please explain it further?

  • Elton Support Team Lead
    Replied on February 26, 2018 at 2:44 PM

    The PDF file can't be decrypted, in fact, PDF isn't available on encrypted forms so this might help.

    Feel free to test it and let us know how it goes.