How does the Form Views work?

  • user_a14dbf4ebeea8a9aec15ea487
    Asked on March 29, 2018 at 9:54 AM

    Hi Jot Form,

    I just received an email, that I have just exceeded my "free views". However, how do you "count" those? Because I'm not even averaging 200 visitors on my site a month.

    So "how" does it work? Please advise. 

  • Jan
    Replied on March 29, 2018 at 11:55 AM

    Currently, you have 1,029 form views. Under the Free plan, you only have 1,000 form views per month. You can upgrade your plan to increase your form views limit or you can wait for the monthly reset. The monthly limits reset happens every 1st day of the month. It should go back to "0" on April 1, 2018.

    When your form is opened, viewed or refreshed, it is considered as a form view. Here are some examples:

    1. Opening the direct link to the form
    2. Viewing webpage where the form is embedded
    3. Viewing the form using the source code

    For more information about form views, please check this guide: Form-View-Limits-What-Is-It-All-About.

    The Email Us form have 1,011 form views for this month. Here's a screenshot:

    152233816303 29 50wu8 Screenshot 10

    For your reference, you can use the Form Analytics to track the views, responses and other information from your users. Here's a guide: Understanding-Form-Analytics-and-Ways-on-How-to-Get-Your-User-s-Info.

    Hope that helps. If you have any further questions, please let us know. Thank you.