Conditional Logic to Redirect to Different URLs

  • atomicpetal
    Asked on May 8, 2018 at 10:11 AM


    I am a personal trainer and I'm creating a "body type" quiz. At the end of this quiz, I'd like to send the reader to one of 5 different URLs, depending on the calculated value of a hidden form element. How can I use conditional logic (in settings) to redirect to different links? Currently I can only "show" or "hide" form elements.

    Thank you!


  • BJoanna
    Replied on May 8, 2018 at 11:28 AM

    It is possible to redirect your users to a different URL with the conditional logic. 

    Inside of this guide, you can find how to do it:

    Change Thank You Page URL Based on a Condition

  • luisvcsilva
    Replied on May 8, 2018 at 11:48 AM

    You can send your user to a custom URL conditioned to their input using conditional logic in your form. The following example describes such technique:


    Suppose you're creating a form that computes the BMI (Body Mass Index) from the user, if the user scores less than 18.5 then he should be redirected to "Website A", if he is overweight then he should be redirected to "Website B".

    While editing your form, go to "Settings", then click in "Conditions" and "Change 'Thank you' Page".

    1525794155step 1 Screenshot 10

    Then add the condition that you want in your form, in my case, I put two conditions, the first one can be seen below:

    1525794251step 3 Screenshot 21

    In the image above, a condition is being created that, if the user's BMI is below 18.5, then redirect the user to Google after the form is submitted.


    The image below is the creation of another condition: if the user's BMI is above 40.0, then redirect the user to Bing after the form is submitted.

    1525794442step 5 Screenshot 32

    You can clone this form here and adapt it to your needs:
  • atomicpetal
    Replied on May 8, 2018 at 1:17 PM

    Thank you guys so much! You're life savers.