Is there a way for me to add a field so that the customer can get an automatic email or text to the email or phone number they enter?

  • alexdye
    Asked on August 8, 2018 at 10:21 AM

    Is there a way for me to add a field so that the customer can get an automatic email or text to the email or phone number they enter?


    if I add an email section to my form, how do I get it so that an auto email is sent to that email address?  I tried to set up an auto-response but it does not seem to be working.


    I see that it says this:

    Send autoresponder email to the person who fills your form.

    but I did a form preview and entered my personal email address and no auto response was sent.

    I am using my form as an invoice generator so I have added products and a unique ID for a PO.

  • AshtonP
    Replied on August 8, 2018 at 11:19 AM

    Email Autoresponder should work in this case. I saw the Recipient email field should be changed to Email as shown in the screenshot below. 

    64368 Email Autoresponder Screenshot 10

    You can also edit the email template in the Email tab. Please refer to the user guide for detailed steps - Setting-up-an-Autoresponder-Email