How to customize the PDF Submission in the designer?

  • BRGhelpdesk
    Asked on October 9, 2018 at 8:08 AM

    So when I try to import the Field I have in my Form i believe it is Nothing but a Text box as I needed an Table inserted in it, It overlays all the other things on the PDF however if I Add a Text field on the PDF designer it will Grow and push everything down why does it do this id hate to have to copy it all over for each form as a lot of my forms will have a lot of Text.

  • DonaldHag
    Replied on October 9, 2018 at 9:56 AM

    The PDF submission is customized once and then the template created is then used whenever you download a PDF submission. When you position the table correctly once in the customizer, it will look the same for other submissions as well. 

    Please provide the URL of the form and what changes you would like to make so we can provide further assistance. Note that you can post screenshots to illustrate the issue.