PDF Forwards are not working correctly

  • Bjeffery
    Asked on October 19, 2018 at 2:48 PM

    Hello, my name is Bill and I work for Williams Baptist University. 

    All of our online applications are submitted using JotForm, and it's been amazing so far. Recently though, the PDF response we've been receiving is in a different and hard to read format. 

    Has anyone else had this problem? I don't think it's a gmail issue since the pdf form itself is what looks more like a full-size application. For example, on the question about ethnicity, in the past the pdf would simply state the question and the answer. Now though it is showing all the answers in gray and highlighting their response in a light blue. 

    Jotform Thread 1616958 Screenshot
  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on October 19, 2018 at 4:02 PM

    Our PDF editor has been updated, that may be why you have noticed the difference. You may also customize your PDF report, to do it, go to your submissions page, click on the PDF button and the customize PDF option.

    PDF Forwards are not working correctly  Image 10 

    You will be redirected to our new PDF editor where you can customize your generated PDF document. 


  • Rose
    Replied on October 22, 2018 at 3:20 AM

    Hi Bill,

    We are sorry for this inconvenience. 

    We recently released our new PDF editor. That's why, you see a different version than the previous one. Could you please tell us why you don't like the new version? Is there something broken on your end? 

    Thank you in advance for your valuable return.