How can form error message be translated to German?

  • LagarderePLUS
    Asked on January 30, 2019 at 4:13 AM

    1548839576Bildschirmfoto 2019 01 25 um 1 Screenshot 10

    Hi everyone,

    I would like to know how to change the text into german if there are some errors?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on January 30, 2019 at 4:52 AM

    Please note that you can change the form warnings. You may like to take a look at the following guide which should help you:

    You have have multiple-lingual form, you can translate the form warning from the translation page. Please check the screenshot below:

    1548841882formTranslation Screenshot 10

    Hope this helps.

    Do get back to us if you have any questions.

  • LagarderePLUS
    Replied on January 30, 2019 at 5:08 AM


    Thanks for your help. I changed everything at the setting but somehow it doesn't work. Do you have any ideas?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on January 30, 2019 at 5:30 AM

    Please let me know the form with which you are having this issue with and we will take a look.

    We will wait for your response.

  • LagarderePLUS
    Replied on January 30, 2019 at 5:46 AM

    I am working with form Live Kieser Training Ticketing.


  • Victoria_K
    Replied on January 30, 2019 at 8:17 AM

    Unfortunately, I see that warnings translation is not saved for some reason. Please try again and make sure to press 'Save Changes' button at the very bottom. You can follow this guide: How-to-Change-Form-Warnings

    How can form error message be translated to German? Image 1 Screenshot 20