Using an uploaded image from a previous step into a later step in the Wizard

  • kabirkhanna
    Asked on February 18, 2019 at 8:01 AM


    I am trying to create a multi-step form where at step 2 we upload the image, but say in step 5 , just before submitting the form, I want to see that uploaded image also. Is there a way, by which in step 5, I can put a variable which points to the image that was stored in the id of the form in step 2 and show it there. The idea is that I want the user to preview the image once before submitting the form.  Basically, I want to store the image in a variable in step 2 and show that variable in step 5. Is this possible ?




  • Nick_So
    Replied on February 18, 2019 at 10:29 AM

    By default, that's the only setting available for the multi-upload field. However, we have a widget called the image upload preview, which upon selecting, you get to get a preview of the file on your form which is already being used in your form. 

    If you have questions or if I misunderstood your concern, please let us know. 

  • kabirkhanna
    Replied on February 19, 2019 at 2:14 AM

    My issue is that I want to upload an image in Step 1 , but get a preview of that in Step 4. Is there a way to store a value of the user ( in this case the image ) in a variable and then display that value in a later form ?



  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on February 19, 2019 at 3:00 AM

    Unfortunately no, it is not possible to display uploaded image in another page of form.

    I do not see any other option to preview the uploaded image without taking  advantage  of "Preview before submit" widget (all questions in one page layout).