Input table with multiple fields not working

  • ZestInstitute
    Asked on June 25, 2019 at 11:59 PM


    The input table field is really problematic. 

    When filling in the input table in the form with multiple column types, large parts of the field disappear from the screen until you press part of the field again.  Also, it takes a few seconds to register every entry.  

    If I need to edit any part of a submission later (even different fields), Jotform forgets every detail that was entered into each input table for that submission.

    Also, when you fill in only some of the checkboxes within the input table, the results show that every checkbox was ticked.

    If I try to add a calculated value to the field, it doesn't recall any of the column header names - instead listing only the original column header names such as satisfactory, not satisfactory etc.

    This field is therefore almost totally dysfunctional. 

    I would try to replace it with alternative fields, but unfortunately this would make my form enormously long.

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on June 26, 2019 at 3:43 AM

    When filling in the input table in the form with multiple column types, large parts of the field disappear from the screen until you press part of the field again.

    I did test your form and I am not able to replicate the issue you are having. I would suggest you to please share a screenshot of the issue and we will take a look. The following guide should help you how to upload image in forum post:

    Also, it takes a few seconds to register every entry.  

    It is caused because of "Continue Forms Later" setting you have enabled in your form. Please note that this feature saves the data in browser cookies every few seconds. Apart from the input table fields, you have several other form fields and the data gets saved in the browser cookies and slows down the response time. Please disable the "Continue Forms Later" setting in form and that will solve your problem.

    If I need to edit any part of a submission later (even different fields), Jotform forgets every detail that was entered into each input table for that submission.

    I have moved your question to a new thread so that we can address it separately. You will be answered in the following thread:

  • ZestInstitute
    Replied on June 26, 2019 at 5:38 AM

    The disappearing data within the input table is also demonstrated by this form:

    You can see above how the checkboxes and details disappear.  It happens after filling in a few of the boxes.  You can sometimes make it reappear by pressing the same region, but it re-occurs when you fill in more checkboxes.

  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on June 26, 2019 at 7:39 AM

    Please note that I have already escalated the issue of saved data of input table disappearing to our backend team. As soon as there is any update, we will get back to you in the following thread: