Change field names

  • Aberlin
    Asked on January 23, 2020 at 12:56 PM

    After I learn the Jot system, and the limits for my needs. That won't happen in my forms, or will. All going well, seems I can get my form needs accomplished. Will be making many forms.

    The Form I'm developing now here below. I will be making many others forms based on this design style and functions. My emails are working. This form will have 1st round be text only to two agents. 2nd round in Final emails with the Org. uploaded PDF attached to notify others (3-6) and the two agents a PDF for records. Base on the IF -email functions etc.


    Question. As I learn the system. Testing, testing seeing what goes on. Below is the full Auto-Gen {xxxx} fields list at ever bottom. Are each form totally data {field} exclusive and not mixed with other forms? I would feel they are. And want to field map to my needs. As in the end it would export better in excel to more data or sync databases outside jot system.

    Jot system made this below. 

    FROM Agent First and Last Name {fromAgent}

    I would like to change it be below. 

    FROM Agent First and Last Name {fromagentfirstandlastname}

    And on new forms keep the patterns going the same way.

    Form A - FROM Agent First and Last Name {fromagentfirstandlastname1}

    From B - FROM Agent First and Last Name {fromagentfirstandlastname2}

    Form C - FROM Agent First and Last Name {fromagentfirstandlastname3}

    etc. So I can located the right {fields} as below. Lokk all the way to bottom to see links made.


    Form -A Sample Email to be sent (all in development)

    #1 first -email to FROM Agent to FROM Agent

    Hello, {fromAgent} This email confirms your Agent to Agent Referral was submitted.



    You can always edit your form by clicking this link: {edit_submission}

    Step -1. The {toAgent24} will receive the form with a Link to infill and Agree to FEE. When {toAgent24} checks their Agree Box and submits the form.

    Step-2.  You will now get an email with the Agreement as PDF for your records.

    Step-3. At this time notices will be sent out.  To the TO Agent Manage, TO Agent Admin and CC to the Weidel Relocation Manager.

    Note: If you want the Relocation Manager to assign an Agent. Please use the link {xxxx} for the correct form to submit.


    If you want the Cancel this agreement. Click this link {XXXXX} and these people will be notified   {toAgent24}{toAgent24} and CC to Weidel Relocation Manager.



    #2 -first email to TO Agent From FROM Agent.

    (Note the code I  know to make now is a number that only goes to the (toAgents). I would like my form to start by FROMAgent going to the TOAgent with a code that is active to be the right code when that agree button is used by TOAgent, if could be done. But this is what I have. 

    Hello {toAgent24}!  

         Please click on the link below to accept a 'Weidel Agent to Weidel Agent Referral' from {fromAgent}.

    If you have questions about this referral, please contact {From Agent} to discuss so as to issue an updated

    referral contract with a new code for those changes needed. This {ID#} will be in all the following emails

    body throughout this automated process.



    To review referral, click this link: {edit_submission}

    Review the referral information:  Verify your contact info is correct including information for your office manager

    and office admin. Next, Review the Referral Fee Agreement Section.  If you're are okay with referral and fee.

    All you need to do is check the TO  Agent Agree box and Add Code below and click Submit.

    Congratulations you have accepted the referral.  If you have questions or decide not to accept the referral, contact the From Agent to resolve. 


    Upon successful transaction close for this referral the TO AGENT agrees to the following:

    1) pay the "Agreed Referral Fee" from their split of the gross commission paid to Weidel, and 2) to follow Weidel policies and procedures for the handling of referrals.

    TO Agent Agrees to the above {toAgent45}
    TO Agree one time Code {toAgree} 
        Use this code below





    ProgressBar {typeA}

    ID# {id}

    Referral Date {referralDate46}

    Referral Service Type {referralService6}

    Client First Name {clientFirst}

    Client Last Name {clientLast}

    Client Contact Address {clientContact}

    City {city}

    State {State}

    Zip {zip}

    Client Phone Number {clientPhone}

    Client Email {clientEmail}

    FROM Agent First and Last Name {fromAgent}

    From Agent Office {fromAgent20}

    FROM Agent Phone {fromAgent52}

    FROM Agent Email {fromAgent22}

    TO Agent First and Last Name {toAgent24}

    Office {office26}

    TO Agent Phone {toAgent59}

    TO Agent Email {toAgent28}

    TO Agent Office Manager Name {toAgent29}

    TO Agent Office Manager Email {toAgent63}

    TO Agent Office Admin Name {toAgent32}

    TO Agent Office Admin Email {toAgent}

    Agents Agreed to Referral Fee: {agentsAgreed}

    FROM Agent Agrees to the above {fromAgent38}

    TO Agent Agrees to the above {toAgent45}

     You can {edit_submission} and {all_submissions} easily.

  • Vanessa_T
    Replied on January 23, 2020 at 3:34 PM

    Are each form totally data {field} exclusive and not mixed with other forms?

    If my understanding is correct, you are asking if the field name is unique against all other forms.

    The answer is no. The field names are unique per form. The same name may be present on all your other forms. You may however customize it to ensure it is unique.

  • Aberlin
    Replied on January 23, 2020 at 3:53 PM


    JotForm Support




    Yes, perfect. I missed seeing the box right in front of me in advanced section. Oops.

    I'm a learner. Does the system check to make sure the {field} is not use elsewhere for you?

    This function is on all field inputs that have data? Or all items you can place by jots system form designer, I guess.

    Does the change in advance update all made email {} ? Or I guess, I will find out as I start changing them. Guess the 'IF' and others get the name from the advance location.

  • VincentJay
    Replied on January 23, 2020 at 5:31 PM

    Does the system check to make sure the {field} is not use elsewhere for you?

    I was not able to understand your question. I am assuming you're referring to the form field names. The {form_fieldname} is unique. Our system makes sure that there's no duplicate. And, If you find one, please let us know immediately so we can escalate it to our developers.

    This function is on all field inputs that have data? Or all the items you can place by jots system form designer, I guess.

    Please provide more information or details so we can assist you properly. Have you checked the link my colleague provided? Here's the link:

    You can enable the Required feature to make sure that all form fields have data.

    1579818496vnc4as Screenshot 10

    Does the change in advance update all made email {}? Or I guess, I will find out as I start changing them. Guess the 'IF' and others get the name from the advance location.

    Yes, the email content will be updated as well. If not, you can always edit the email content and replace it with the form field you want.

    1579818661nbxz4 Screenshot 21

  • Aberlin
    Replied on January 23, 2020 at 7:50 PM
    TO JotForm Support
    Answered on January 23, 2020 at 05:31 PM

    Does the system check to make sure the {field} is not use elsewhere for you?


     To be clear.

    Say I make a new blank form called:

    Where's Data Kept (WDK-1) for this new Form 

    Any new {????} fields made , the data is stored in WDK-1 new form data records only, Right? Or Wrong?

    Is WDK-1 a single per Form Database? That means I can name {fields} whatever I want in WDK-1. And in other forms keep the same {field} naming patterns going. Like all my forms can have in them the same eg: WDK-1 starts with {AgentName} {AgentOffice} Or are you telling me WDK-2 must use  {AgentName2} {AgentOffice2}? I would like WDK-2 to be also {AgentName} {AgentOffice} but to be clear the information will be used differently based on output subjects.  {AgentName} & {AgentOffice} can be from different companies. Some {AgentName} {AgentOffice} work for more than one company. I guess if I clone my form.It would add a # to all {labels}. The form is the same, Will add per form new fields. as {AgentName} {AgentOffice} is same data type record. If say {AgentOffice} in new form need two it would be {AgentOffice2} etc.

    Or does the Aberlin Acct. Just have one DataBase that fills in all {} in all my form collection? As I need to label eg: Form WDK-1 needs to be {WDK-1AgentName} {WDK-1AgentOffice} and Form WDK-2 needs to be {WDK-2AgentName} {WDK-2AgentOffice} 

    Truly to me, each form data {fields} should not mix other forms data. 

    Or are you telling me Jotform Data Base is one massive single one. Covering all user accts? As I seen numbering as high as 64 on labels I think. In my acct. Learning you forms systems. I've made one form cloned it 10 plus time trying to save what works test in new cloned one. As I've loss all work in form I was learn how to make it look and work the way need. 

    As to the question of Duplicate {field} names.

    If data is per form stored. Does the JotSystem tell you the names used? Or just add random/a (#) to the name/labels used.


    Btw. If  my acct has its own database file. As I'm in testing for all form here.

    Part of my plan is to learn make forms here. When a have set set complete. 

    set may have 5-8 forms in a group. Hopeful all running in a pattern as to {} label.

    I'm still thing on patterns needed .


    {AgentName-interanl} {AgentOffice-internal}

    {AgentName-exteranl} {AgentOffice-external}

    {AgentName-Actice} {AgentOffice-Dead}

    etc. As If they are getting auto numbered by jot.

    I want to start over clean, when I have a set worked out. Like get a new

    acct. Called Aberlin-Live. Transfer active forms to there. 


  • Girish JotForm Support
    Replied on January 23, 2020 at 10:44 PM

    Any new {????} fields made , the data is stored in WDK-1 new form data records only, Right? Or Wrong?

    Yes, any new fields added into this form and new submissions into that new field, will store the data in that form only by default.

    Is WDK-1 a single per Form Database? 

    All submissions received for this form will be present in the database against the submissions for this form only and not any other form in your account.

    You can keep the same names and fields in multiple forms. You can use the Field Manager app to copy fields between forms.

    Each form data are mapped in the database with respect to each form ID and submission ID. Each form ID is unique for each form as well as the linked submission IDs. No two form ID or submission ID overlaps. So there is not a chance that form data mixes automatically with other forms, if that's what you were referring to.

    Does the JotSystem tell you the names used? Or just add random/a (#) to the name/labels used.

    The field name IDs are generated as per the field name that you have chosen or added in the form.

    Let us know if this answers your query.

  • Aberlin
    Replied on January 24, 2020 at 10:15 AM
    Profile Image Screenshot 10
    JotForm Support
    Answered on January 23, 2020 at 10:44 PM

    To gerardw. See reds text.

    Any new {????} fields made , the data is stored in WDK-1 new form data records only, Right? Or Wrong?

    Yes, any new fields added into this form and new submissions into that new field, will store the data in that form only by default.

    Thank you, perfect. What I need.

    Is WDK-1 a single per Form Database? 

    All submissions received for this form will be present in the database against the submissions for this form only and not any other form in your account.

    You can keep the same names and fields in multiple forms. You can use the Field Manager app to copy fields between forms.

    Thank you, perfect. This here is need (Field Manager app) Need this and to learn to use it. Wherever this is?

    Each form data are mapped in the database with respect to each form ID and submission ID. Each form ID is unique for each form as well as the linked submission IDs. No two form ID or submission ID overlaps. So there is not a chance that form data mixes automatically with other forms, if that's what you were referring to.

    Thank you, perfect. I hear there is some function that I can call on Data records from WDK-1, place that data in a new form called WDK-1B and using WDK-1 {feildname} not in WDK-1B. Correct? Need to learn that, as useful. When I get to that point.  

    Does the JotSystem tell you the names used? Or just add random/a (#) to the name/labels used.

    The field name IDs are generated as per the field name that you have chosen or added in the form.

    Thank you, I learn the other date where I can adjust.

    BTW. Is there a way to make the one time code real in my form?

    Right now I getting a random number #### placed in auto-emails. 

    It's good as only the TO Agent gets this number per submission. But in my from the code box does not confirm the code is correct. But the #### does help telling us the TO Agent did agree. By matching #### to emails.

    Let us know if this answers your query.

    Seems I'm covered for the moment. Thank You.

  • VincentJay
    Replied on January 24, 2020 at 11:32 AM

    To merge form field, here's the link for the field manager app:

    Please try it and let us know if you need further help.

    Also, let me know if I missed a question. Thank you.