Multiple-choice – enable auto-next feature

  • Mario Fuentes
    Asked on January 25, 2020 at 11:21 AM

    Hello, I would like to know how can I set my survey to automatically move forward when the client answers a multiple-choice question. In other words I don’t want them to select the answer and have to hit next to advance.  I want to eliminate that extra step and have them complete the survey quicker. 

    Thank you. 

  • sonnyferdabuet
    Replied on January 25, 2020 at 11:45 AM

    Hi Mario,

    If my understanding is correct, you want to skip some fields if a client answered "A" for example in a multiple-choice (A,B,C,D) question.

    Please read through this guide on How to Skip Pages Using Conditional Logic.

    Let me know if you encounter any issues trying the guide mentioned above. Would be happy to help.



  • John Support Team Lead
    Replied on January 25, 2020 at 1:30 PM

    Hi Mario - If you're referring to the AutoNext feature on Card Forms, it works basically on specific fields such as Single Choice, Image Choice, and Star Rating fields. It is not possible to enable auto next when you are using the Multiple Choice field.

    This is because the form expects the user to select multiple options from the said field. If we'll enable AutoNext feature, I'm afraid they won't be able to select more than one option as it will advance to the next page before he makes another selection.

    I suggest using a Single Choice field instead if there's no need for the user to select multiple options.

  • Mario
    Replied on January 25, 2020 at 4:06 PM

    Thank you for your help!  I followed your instructions and changed the questions to Single Choice. It works! Thanks again...