How to add a button to download a PDF document?

  • jtorn
    Asked on February 9, 2021 at 11:04 AM

    I have created an order form. I want to add a part of the order form so people can download a PDF document (a guide) to determine what exactly it is that you need to order.

    I have a disclaimer at the beginning of my form advising people to download the guide first before submitting an order.

    Is there a way just to add a button below the disclaimer which people can push in order to download a PDF guide (note this is NOT a copy of the form itself, but a separate file)?

    All I can find is how to insert a hyperlink referencing to an (external) source.


  • Eduardo JotForm Support
    Replied on February 9, 2021 at 1:11 PM

    Hello @jtorn

    It's not possible to upload / host files to JotForm for public download. You'll need to use a cloud service like Google Drive or Dropbox. For more details, kindly refer to this documentation:

    Guide: How-to-add-a-downloadable-file-to-your-form

    If you need to display the link as a button instead of a text, you can do that via the Source Code button of the Paragraph field. Kindly follow these steps:

    1) Add a Paragraph field:

    1612893483 6022cd2bd5f31 Screenshot(1) Screenshot 10

    2) Click the Source Code button:

    1612893815 6022ce7779c76 Screenshot(2) Screenshot 21

    3) And add the following HTML code:

    <button><a target="_blank" href="YOUR_URL" >YOUR TEXT</a></button>

    Make sure to replace YOUR_URL with your own link (please see the guide previously referred to generate a download link), and YOUR TEXT with the text you would like to appear inside the button.

    1612894112 6022cfa0aa69c Screenshot(4) Screenshot 32

    I hope that was helpful. Let us know if you need any further assistance.