set different PDF document based on condition

  • BoltonInsurance
    Asked on February 10, 2021 at 8:21 AM

    I realize this is an unusual request but here goes. I want my form to print only the headers that I choose by using conditional logic. I'm familiar with using conditional logic and have been successful in creating headings which are triggered by other questions, but I'm not able to make my form to include these headings alone, in the pdf version of the form that is received as an attachment to my email following submission of the form..

  • Richie JotForm Support
    Replied on February 10, 2021 at 9:19 AM

    This is possible by creating multiple notification/autoresponder email and PDF documents.

    The idea would be,1 PDF document/email per header.

    Then you can use conditions to assign the specific notification with the attached PDF document.

    Example would be:

    Notification 1 with PDF document of header 1

    Notification 2 with PDF document of header 2.

    Using conditions, you would determine which email you would like to use.


    Please give it a try and if you have further questions, let us know.

  • BoltonInsurance
    Replied on February 10, 2021 at 10:07 AM

    Hi Richie, I'll try and explain why this isn't the answer I'm looking for here. So, I'm using Jot form in an unorthodox way and am finding that it isn't working out how I had hoped. I'm using conditional logic to generate certain statements, depending on answers to targeted questions. The statements show up in a combined list of various one line statements, triggered by various answers to questions. The statements are in fact a list of items that we will need in order to complete another process, these items are generated by conditional logic but are nothing more than headings.

    I'm finding the items statements (headings if you will) are being generated one by one based on conditional logic during the completion of the form on line, which is helpful if we print the form rather than submit it. But, when the form is submitted the items (headings) do not show up on the pdf version of the printed form, which is disappointing. I realize this is an unorthodox use of the form and am certainly open to any ideas about how to do this in a normal way. The bottom line is I'm wanting to be able to generate line items based on conditional logic and have them show up in the pdf when printed (rather than just on the online form).

    I'm hoping you can help!

  • Richie JotForm Support
    Replied on February 10, 2021 at 11:30 AM

    Thank you for explaining further your requirements.

    Can you please share your form URL so that we can check?

    Please note that we can only create a static PDF document with the submission data.

  • BoltonInsurance
    Replied on February 10, 2021 at 1:11 PM
    Here is the address. So, what I’m interested in is being able to print the headings that show up in the online questionnaire based on triggered answers to questions.
    Farron Bolton
    Bolton Insurance, Inc
    Please read our electronic mail disclaimer by clicking here. HH1009
    Send a document: Click Here
  • Carlos_C
    Replied on February 10, 2021 at 5:31 PM


    In this case, you need to create one PDF per Heading, then create one email notification per Heading.

    After that, you will be able to send the specific email notification with the PDF heading base on the user answers, you can check the article here