Using PayPal Checkout - how to preview order before pay?

  • saintfrancislittleitaly
    Asked on June 11, 2021 at 2:25 PM

    Is there any way to preview the order before payment?

    The usual methods for doing this don't seem to work when using PayPal checkout. (ex. "Review before Submit widget" or turning back on the PayPal replace submit button - I don't want to do that because the PayPal buttons move from the bottom of the screen to just below the menu and most people will press that - would be nice if the PayPal buttons could be hidden and only see the one Submit button.)

    Looking for workarounds or other creative ideas that won't fit the cookie-cutter approach that doesn't seem to work.

    Thank you so much!


  • Mike_G JotForm Support
    Replied on June 11, 2021 at 6:34 PM

    Please allow me some time to check if there is any available workaround that will help you meet your requirements. I'll get back to you on this ticket with my findings/solution as soon as possible.

  • Mike_G JotForm Support
    Replied on June 11, 2021 at 9:02 PM

    Apologies for any delays. I have created something that might work for you. But I want you to try it first to see if it would really meet your requirements.

    Here's a cloned version of your form where I have applied the workaround:

    The form has a second page where I have made the form entries appear in a Paragraph element.

    1623459568 60c406f05cb71 zt210611 205905 Screenshot 10

    Reference Guide: Pass-an-input-field-to-a-paragraph-element

    Kindly check it and feel free to let us know if you have questions or if you need clarifications.

    The only issue I'm seeing with my setup is that there is no option to show the number of items selected for each product.

    You may also create a cloned version of the form I linked above so you can inspect it on your end.


  • saintfrancislittleitaly
    Replied on June 14, 2021 at 12:58 PM


    Excellent job - this works great!

    Could you however, or someone, please find out how to make the quantities and t-shirt sizes appear on the review page? That would make it perfect.

    Thank you,


  • VincentJay
    Replied on June 14, 2021 at 5:10 PM


    Unfortunately, I was not able to get or pass the data on the sizes and quantity of the product. Let me ask my colleague if there's any workaround for it using the product list form field.

    You can check this guide ( to see what are the available data that you can get and show to the Paragraph field.