My Advice to JotForm Management

  • antoniooi
    Asked on May 7, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    My advice is simple:

    If your system is too buggy, don't expect people to upgrade to premium or other paid account. I'm one of your customers who just downgraded from my premium account back to free account, but now your stupid automated phishing system SUSPENDED even my free account -- You're giving your disappointed customers NO REASON whatsoever to return back to your premium account, seriously.

    Your totally disappointed customer,
    Antonio Ooi

  • Jeanette JotForm Support
    Replied on May 7, 2014 at 12:42 PM

    Hello Antonio

    Very sorry to hear about your frustration. Here it is my explanation on why this is happening.

    Since we got more than a million users, we had to implement an automated system that scans and autosuspend a form when it's considered guilty of phishing, which can be any of these examples: Untitled forms,  forms with no labeled fields, login fields, facebook login forms, etc. Guest and free accounts are included in the algorithm

    Paid accounts are not automatically suspended, they are manually reviewed by a dedicated team.

    In your case, your free account got a couple of forms that were marked by our system as suspicious (empty forms), so I have just unsuspended the account and deleted the guilty forms . Probably these were created uninttentionally or  ramdomly and never saved.

    I hope you understand that we had to implement this automated system for the sake of thousands of users and in order to follow up with Internet Policies and standards

    Kind regards

  • antoniooi
    Replied on May 7, 2014 at 1:00 PM

    Thank you for your explanation, but first:

    1. "Empty Forms" mean suspicious, then how your free users going to evaluate and playaround with the form features?

    2. If deemed to be suspicious, a warning should be sent instead of suspended right away.

    3. You can only "suspend" when you have "proof"; you send "warning" when it is "suspicious", fair enough?

    4. Your Facebook Integration not working, your form importing feature not working even when unchecking the disallowed form cloning check box, then what you expect your users to do? And you "suspend" your users through "your own bugs", is it fair enough?

    Meanwhile, when critical action needs to be taken, e.g. suspend user account even when not owing of money or exceeded agreed quota, JotForm must handle their algorithm with cares but not "catching bugs with buggy tools", otherwise send warning letter to confirm before taking sensitive action towards your potential customers.

    I hope this will help improving your customer relationship management policy.

    Thank you.

  • Mike_T
    Replied on May 7, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    We appreciate your feedback, but we can not simply send the warnings instead of blocking potentially unsafe accounts. In 2012 our entire site was temporary blocked with millions of forms, probably due to a single phishing form, so this is a real problem and we have to take actions to prevent phishing activity. We do teach the phishing filter all the time, and legit accounts are being unsuspended without any problems.

    As far as I know, the Facebook integration is not discontinued, so you can use it. It has been moved into Integrations -> Other -> Fit Forms.

    My Advice to JotForm Management Image 1 Screenshot 20

    The cloning option is also supposed to work. I use it daily while working on this Support Forum. We will get back to you via the following thread: 

    Thank you.