How do I create a form to put this information on it as a fillable document?

  • RyanFeeFree
    Asked on September 8, 2014 at 11:48 AM



    Your first name: _____________________

    Your middle initial: ____________________

    Your last name: ______________________

    Your phone number: _____-_____-________

    Your email:______________________@_______________.

    Your home address: ________________________


    How long you have been at this address: __years, __months

    How long at your previous address: ___years, ___months

    Your Social Security Number: _____-_____-______

    Your date of birth: ___/___/_____

    Your employer: _____________________________

    Your employers' address: _____________________


    Your employers phone number: ____-____-_______

    How long you have been employed by this employer: __years, __months

    Previous employer: (if less than 2 years):_______________

    Your employers' address: _____________________


    Your employers phone number: _____-_____-______

    How long you have been employed by this employer: __years, __months

    If less than 2 years or gaps of employment, please explain why: _____________________________________________________________________________

    How much money you make per month: $_________

    Your equitable tangible assets: (please include the year, make, model, mileage, and balance owed if any)______________________,______________________,______________________

    Your liquid assets: (cash on hand, in accounts, and in vaults total) $___________

    Have you had a Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, or Short-sale in the last 2 years? ___Y, ___N

    If so, can you document a loss in income due to hardship? ___Y, ___N

    Lease agreement expiration date: ___/___/_____

    Lease agreement break fee: $________

    Your goals: (mark an x on as many as you want) __ HOUSE, __ AUTO, __ JEWELRY, __ HIGHER CREDIT SCORES, __ TO MAKE MORE MONEY, __ BETTER HEALTH, __VACATION.

  • jedcadorna
    Replied on September 8, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    I have created a simple form with the information mentioned above. You can clone my test form here

    I simply used some basic fields type in my sample form:

    Text box
    Phone field
    Radio buttons
    Added masking to text boxes


    You can also check out our simple one page lease agreement if you like. 

    Let us know if you have questions.