Why is info from a telephone number field not being picked up by Zapier

  • MartyinGammon
    Asked on November 11, 2014 at 12:07 PM


    I use JotForms to collect data for bookings. Zapier then transfers this information to another API connected to my company database.

    Zapier successfully reads all the information except the telephone number with is being picked up as "N/A". Zapier have confirm this is how it is coming from JotForm.

    Can you help, please?

    Thanks, Martin

  • MartyinGammon
    Replied on November 11, 2014 at 2:38 PM

    Hello Shadae

    Thanks for your reply.

    I tried several things with the existing field, including sending a number without a leading zero and a simple alpha text with no numbers. All were passed to Zapier as N/A.

    So next, I created another field in the form and made the original invisible. This has solved the problem and Zapier now reads the number from the NEW field. The old field still returns N/A.

    So, I now have a way to collect the phone number info. I will keep the old field (hidden on the form) as it has phone number data in it.

    Sorry I cannot provide any more clues about what may have happened.

    Best wishes


  • Ben
    Replied on November 11, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    Hi Martin,

    Usually the integrations do not pick up the the phone number if you are using textbox tool (under Form Tools) instead of the phone tool (under Quick tools).

    This is the same with Address, Full Name and E-Mail tools.

    Now if you did not get any submissions so far, you should be able to delete the old field for phone and add a new one that is called in the same manner and you should still be able to see the submissions in your submissions report.

    I would also suggest clearing out your jotforms case: Clear form cache in case you start having any further issues.

    Best Regards,

  • MartyinGammon
    Replied on November 12, 2014 at 4:01 AM

    Hello Ben

    Thanks for your reply.  I did see the Quick Tools, but they are quite specific to the USA and I am based in the UK. If on the address field, for example, I could rename or hide individual elements (eg rename State/Province or hide Country) that would be very useful. Likewise for the telephone number field, being able to combine into one field would be good. 

    I will take your advice about the cache and keep an eye on the form. Overall, I am very impressed with JotForm (particularly the new designer view). I use it in Adobe Muse web sites and it's much better than the native tools.

    Thanks again


  • Welvin Support Team Lead
    Replied on November 12, 2014 at 7:17 AM

    Hi Martin,

    You can combine Phone Number field into one by enabling Input Mask to it:

    Why is info from a telephone number field not being picked up by Zapier Image 1 Screenshot 20


    Enabling Input Mask allows you to setup phone number that requires a specific format. You may consider trying that as well.

    Maybe, you can setup a different form and use it or clone your existing form and do the changes there. Here's how you can copy an existing form from your account: https://www.jotform.com/help/27-How-to-clone-an-existing-form-from-your-account.

    Thank you!