Dynamic size of module

  • agenziadantealighieri
    Asked on September 3, 2015 at 7:30 AM

    Hi, can I set the module size because when someone fill the filed the bottom of the module goes down over the regular form.

    Normally I set the module with JotForm WP code but in this case it doesn't work.



  • Charlie
    Replied on September 3, 2015 at 10:33 AM


    To confirm, you are referring to the form moving down where the submit button is being cut off? Here's a screencast on how I replicated the problem, is this the one you are referring to?

    Dynamic size of module Image 1 Screenshot 20


    I've checked your website and I see that you embedded the form using the iFrame embed code, is that correct? When using this code, you'll need to set a fixed height where the form will be covered completely without being cut off. You can easily fix the problem by increasing the height:

    <iframe id="JotFormIFrame" onDISABLEDload="window.parent.scrollTo(0,0)" allowtransparency="true" src="//form.jotformpro.com/form/52382732329962" frameborder="0" style="width: 100%; height: 821px; border: none;" scrolling="no"></iframe>


    If the iFrame embed code is not something that will work, you can try the methods mentioned in this guide: https://www.jotform.com/help/324-A-Guide-To-Forms-For-WordPress-JotForm-Users 

    Do let us know if the above suggestions worked.

  • agenziadantealighieri
    Replied on September 3, 2015 at 12:48 PM

    I tried with 850px height but I don't like so much as solution.

    For exmple here http://www.corsocuoco.it/ work very well.

  • Charlie
    Replied on September 3, 2015 at 2:10 PM


    Upon checking your website pages, I compared their height, although I think they are of just the same form.

    In the website link http://www.corsobarman.net/contatti/. The iFrame embed code has a height of 721px

    Dynamic size of module Image 1 Screenshot 30


    While in this page http://www.corsocuoco.it/ it has a height of 774px

    Dynamic size of module Image 2 Screenshot 41


    Maybe adjusting the value a little might work? It might also be related to the element that holds the iFrame code, I noticed that the class "textwidget" for the two websites have different width and height. You could try adjusting that instead to see if it gives you a better display.

    I hope that helps.