Changing label font color and background color when the form field is active

  • Onika_g
    Asked on October 6, 2015 at 4:59 PM

    When answering questions, the text disappears in a white background. How do change this? Thanks

  • Jan
    Replied on October 6, 2015 at 7:03 PM

    Would you like to change the label's font color or the background color of the form field when it is active?

    If you want to change the label's font color, then please use this custom CSS code.

    .form-label-top, .form-label-left, .form-label-right {

        color: #000000 !important;


    If you want to change the background of the form field when the it is active, then you can use this one.

    .form-line-active {

    background-color: transparent !important;


    You can choose any color want in the background color. If you want to turn the highlighting off, then you can use the transparent value.

    Here's a guide on how to inject custom CSS code if you need one.

  • abajan
    Replied on October 6, 2015 at 7:22 PM


    In addition to my colleague's suggestions, In case you were referring to the light-yellow background on fields when they have the focus and also on the light-pink background when required fields are not filled, the following would fix these issues:

    1. Go to the Field Styles tab of the form's Preferences and disable the effect:

    Changing label font color and background color when the form field is active Image 1 Screenshot 20

    2. That removes the light-yellow highlight. To remove the light-pink highlighting on unfilled required fields, inject the following CSS:

    .form-line-error {
      background: transparent;

    When done, your form should behave like this clone. However, if we have not properly addressed the issue, please inform us.
