Form disabled on FB & website

  • KCPartyBuses
    Asked on July 27, 2016 at 11:08 AM

    All of sudden none of my forms are working on facebook or my website:

    Call me 913-544-3100



    Jotform Thread 891751 Screenshot
  • Support_Management Jotform Support
    Replied on July 27, 2016 at 11:53 AM

    Hi Jaz, your account was autosuspended by our phishing filter because one of your forms has a field asking for credit card information. Please avoid getting usernames, login credentials, credit card details, etc. on your forms to avoid being automatically suspended by our filters.

    As a gentle reminder, I'm pasting a snippet from our TOS:

    Phishing. You agree that Company may terminate your JotForm Service immediately if a form's purpose is found to be deceptively obtaining: sensitive credit card information, social security numbers, user login credentials, or other sensitive personal information. All these activities are considered as Phishing and any account along with the violating forms will be suspended immediately.

    I highly recommend you use one of our Payment Processors in place [APPS:] and here's an article that might help you decide which fits your requirements [ARTICLE: Which-Payment-Processor-is-Right-for-Your-Business] If you don't know how to get started with these payment processors, please have a look at this guide [GUIDE: Setting-Up-Your-First-Order-Form] 

    Kindly remove the guilty fields and get back to us. We'll be more than happy to reactivate your account.