Is using your integration with PayPal different or better than putting the url of my form into my PayPal payment buttons?

  • sproggy
    Asked on October 1, 2016 at 4:21 PM

    I currently use Jot Forms to place the url of my forms into the page where I create PayPal buttons on PayPal (in the bit where it asks the web address to take people to after they have paid via PayPal). So they receive the form after they have paid and then use it to forward me their details and their questions before I work with them.

    But I'm wondering if it's better to integrate the Jot Forms with PayPal instead?

    As I've only just started getting customers and already had instances where customers didn't receive the Jot Form page, so I didn't know what question they wanted asking (I sell my Tarot Reading services) so had to have lengthy back and forth emails...

    I'm not sure... I am currently integrating my forms with Mad Mimi and can see that works fine, but I'm wondering exactly what happens from the customer's point of view when (if) I integrate my forms with PayPal?



  • liyam
    Replied on October 1, 2016 at 11:28 PM

    Hello Alison,

    Yes, you can integrate JotForm with your Paypal account. What happens when your form gets integrated is that once the form gets submitted, the page gets redirected to Paypal for logging in and for payment. Once the payment is complete, the form user gets redirected back to your form to show a thank you page or to any URL of your choice which stands in as your thank you page. 

    If the paypal element in your form is not required and the person who submitted the form did not select a product, he will simply be redirected to your thank you page right away and shall not be required to make payment.

    So with integrating your form with Paypal, once the payment has been made, together with the information submitted to you, you will be notified as soon as you have received payment from your form.

    You can learn more about Paypal integrations with your forms on this guide: 

    But please take note that for receiving payments, free users are only allowed 10 payment submissions and then the form gets temporarily suspended and shall be reactivated on the beginning of the next month. You can also learn more about the pricing and limits on every account on this page: 


  • sproggy
    Replied on October 2, 2016 at 2:45 PM
    OK, thanks. Appears it's not for me as I don't need Jotform to take
    Paypal delivers my forms to people /after/ they have paid. So it is
    already integrated. I just wondered if there was a better way of making
    it more reliable as not everyone stays on the PayPal page after
    checkout, so they don't always receive the form!
    (I just email them the link to the form after I get the PayPal
  • Mike
    Replied on October 2, 2016 at 5:23 PM

    Our standard PayPal integration is an equivalent to the PayPal buttons. We just redirect user to the official PayPal payment page upon a form submit button click. In other words, the payments are being processed entirely by PayPal.

    It also means that with our PayPal integration the form data is available for every submission.

    If you have any follow up questions, please let us know.