Announcing Pricing Modification: Form View Limits

Announcing Pricing Modification: Form View Limits

We want to create a pricing structure that makes the most sense for all of our users. With that in mind, starting tomorrow, we’re modifying our monthly packages to count the number of times your forms are viewed each month. It’s structured similarly to how we’ve developed our submission limits, only 10 times the amount.

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Here’s a breakdown of the new view limits by account type:

  • Free form views: 1,000
  • Bronze form views: 10,000
  • Silver form views: 100,000
  • Gold form views: 200,000

What does this mean for my account?

For a majority of casual Jotform users, this won’t make a difference. For instance, most users who receive more than 1,000 form views a month are receiving more than 100 submissions, so they’re already on the paid plan that’s right for them. But for a few of you, this will mean needing to upgrade to an appropriate paid plan.

What’s the reason for the new limit?

We felt that users who were receiving more than 1,000 views on their forms are getting the same value as users who receive more than 100 submissions. We wanted to make our form limits more fair for every user, which also took into account per capita web hosting costs. Now, whether form views or submissions, we’re all on the same page and know what to expect.

How will I know if I’m close to my limit for form views?

Your form views are readily accessible from your Account page. Select “Usage” and see how many views you have left next to where it shows submission count and upload space. We’ll also send you a friendly message letting you know if you’re close to your limit.

What happens if I go over my limit?

If you go over the limit, you will be asked to upgrade before the next business day at noon. After that your account will be temporarily disabled until you’re able to upgrade. But like we said, you can find out if this change affects you by viewing your form view status from your account page, and checking to see if you’re close to the limit.

If you have any further questions, check out this page or feel free to direct them to our friendly support team.

Chad is a former VP of Marketing and Communications at Jotform. He’s also a frequent contributor to various tech and business publications, and an absolute wizard with a Vitamix. He holds a master’s degree in communication and resides with his wife and cats in Oakland, California.

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