Radio Buttons in mobile

  • jodyb
    Asked on May 13, 2014 at 3:47 PM

    When I view my form in mobile, the radio buttons are not functional. Is there a fix for this?

  • Elton Support Team Lead
    Replied on May 13, 2014 at 5:24 PM


    When you say not functional, you mean you are not able to click on it?

    You are using standard radio button so it should work on any mobile browsers.

    I've tried it on iOS 7 and Android and it is working normally as expected.

    Radio Buttons in mobile Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Did you embed the form to your site? Perhaps the problem might be on your page where you have placed the form. Let us know the website URL containing the form so we can check it here.


  • abajan
    Replied on May 13, 2014 at 7:43 PM


    It appears you tried to reply to this thread without success. Please go to the following URL and post your message there:


  • jodyb
    Replied on May 14, 2014 at 8:19 AM

    It seems that when I use the source code to embed the form, the radio buttons do not function...

    But, if I use iframe to embed the form, the Thank You message appears in the same window, which will not work for my form. You can see what I mean at:

    Also, is there any way that I can customize the CSS, HTML, or JS to make this form work with the following API:

    I just need my users to be able to enter their mobile number (then the API generates an address for the user)... then I want to show the generated address on the Thank You page.

  • jedcadorna
    Replied on May 14, 2014 at 10:47 AM


    Thank you for contacting us.

    May I know what mobile device were you using when you encounter the problem?

    Your site works fine using an Iphone chrome and safari browser and was able to select both radio buttons and was able to submit. 

    Radio Buttons in mobile Image 1 Screenshot 20

    If you download your form source then you can fully customize the form. In the form builder itself you have an option to inject a custom CSS for styling the form. Your question about API, I'm not sure if this will work you can hire some programmers to do it then you can refer them here using our API to connect. I'm not sure about this.