Can I limit submissions to those with a known email address?

  • Naugahyde
    Asked on July 18, 2017 at 7:05 AM

    Is there a way to limit submissions to those with a known email address? Can I limit each email address to one response? This is similar to an election/vote scenario as described in

  • jonathan
    Replied on July 18, 2017 at 9:43 AM

    I think you can achieve the limiting of the submission to that one known email address only. Meaning the same email address cannot be used anymore on the 2nd time to submit the form. The email address used will be a unique value of the form.

    User guide: How-to-set-Form-Limits-Based-on-a-Unique-Question

    Example, if I submitted your form using my email then no other respondent will be able to submit the form using the same email address.

    Let us know if this still will not work for you.

  • Naugahyde
    Replied on July 18, 2017 at 10:08 AM

    Is there a way to preauthorize specific email addresses?

  • David JotForm Support Manager
    Replied on July 18, 2017 at 11:46 AM

    Do you mean like you need to allow email addresses with corporate domains only? If that is the case, you can disallow free email address, simply enable that option from your "E-mail" properties:

    Can I limit submissions to those with a known email address? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Let us know if you need more help.

  • Naugahyde
    Replied on July 19, 2017 at 2:01 AM

    No, we have a specific list of members that need to vote in an election. They have a variety of email addresses including corporate addresses, free email addresses, etc. See Creating a Poll or Voting Environment for more info.

  • Charlie
    Replied on July 19, 2017 at 4:02 AM

    Unfortunately, we don't have a direct feature similar to the link you sent. However, this can be done using our conditional logic feature. Here's the link to our conditional logic:

    1. Here, I added an email field. 

    Can I limit submissions to those with a known email address? Image 1 Screenshot 40


    2. Then we will set an conditional logic where specific email addresses can only submit the form.

    Here's how my condition works:

    IF "Email" CONTAINS 

    THEN show the "Submit" button

    Can I limit submissions to those with a known email address? Image 2 Screenshot 51


    Note that you need to separate the email addresses by a comma AND a space. 


    3. Now to limit their submission, you can use this guide which was mentioned by my colleague in the earlier post:


    4. Problem is, how do you know that the user who submitted the form is the real owner of the email or any of the email listed?

    Method #1: Use an autoresponder email that will inform the user about his/her submission. To learn more about the email alert types, you can check this guide:

    Method #2: You can use an email verification widget, below are some of them: 


    Method #3: This is in addition with method #1. You can generate a verification link and add it in the autoresponder email. If they own the email then they can receive the verification link and click it. You will then be informed if the user has verified his/her submission. Here's a link to that app:

    In my case, I setup a check box field that says "I agree to vote on this survey", this is like the required field to map on the app. 

    Can I limit submissions to those with a known email address? Image 3 Screenshot 62


    I hope the above suggestions help.