Can we set up a place for suggestions to go to instead of being e-mailed them?

  • treeacademysupport
    Asked on July 27, 2017 at 4:23 PM


    Important question - I want to set up a drop down menu that provides the option for parents to select "Suggestions" and "Concerns". Once they respond to one or the other, we would LOVE their responses to go to a place where they can all be saved and viewed by either "Suggestions" or "Concerns" depending on which option of the drop down menu they have selected. We do not want their responses to go directly to e-mail because that would be inefficient for us with all the clicking and lack of sorting. Is there a way (on the administrator's end) to be able to herd all responses in a private forum? Sort of like a scrolling document with dates, who it's from, and subject either "Suggestions" or "Concerns"? This would be very important for our school. 

    Thank you so much!

    Please let me know ASAP. Super appreciate your help.



    TREE Academy School, Los Angeles.

  • jonathan
    Replied on July 27, 2017 at 6:26 PM

    You can achieve this by sending the submission data to a Report. I recommend using Google drive integration wherein you can assign a custom folder ("Suggestions" or "Concerns") to distinguish the submissions.

    You can test submit this demo form

    and you can review the google report here.

    Let us know if you need further assistance.