Help with Conditions to display section collapse

  • Perlman
    Asked on October 18, 2017 at 11:51 AM


    I am seeking suggestions to help functionality and user experience for a form.

    I am presenting 9 packages Options.

    Each package contains product images.

    If a user likes a product image within the package, the user selects the product and continues through the form. If a user does not select a product within the package, the user will explore other packages and associated products.

    See below images for reference. I am using a Package called "Sierra Package"

    1508341480Screen Shot 2017 10 18 at 8 Screenshot 10

    1508341561Screen Shot 2017 10 18 at 8 Screenshot 21

    If a product image/option is not selected from the drop down, I would like to display (show) the next package (Mesquite Package)

    1508341756Screen Shot 2017 10 18 at 8 Screenshot 32

    I hope I have explained this clearly.  I am open to suggestions if using the drop down widget is not practical.


    Replied on October 18, 2017 at 1:27 PM

    Apologies for the challenges you are facing. I am trying to analyze the issue and I think I need you to explain the process. I would try and explain a scenario I think would work for you based on your explanation. From here we can easily work on a solution for you.

    Somebody chooses the kind of burial they need and they will be redirected to choose the casket.

    Once they are on the caskets page You have different packages and they can choose from these packages. Each of the packages will have different kinds of caskets as per the form so for instance is I choose Sierra package I will get different options of the Sierra package. If I do not choose anything in Sierra package I can choose other packages which will return me to page where I need to select the package. From here I can choose a different package.

    Kindly confirm this is how you want the form to work as per you earlier explanation.

  • Perlman
    Replied on October 18, 2017 at 2:11 PM

     Yes, you have stated it correctly.

    The only difference is that I'm trying to reduce the navigation steps and would ultimately like everything to happen on the same page instead of needing to use the back button.

    For example, if the Sierra Package Casket Options are not suitable, the user could easily explore other packages without leaving the page.

    Thank you for your help.


    Replied on October 18, 2017 at 3:04 PM

    Thank you for the confirmation and a the clarification.

    I have created a simple form based on the clone of your form you shared. Below is link to the form kindly test the form and let us know if the sample would work for you. You can actually clone the form and improve on it based on the sample elements used in the form.

    Kindly do let us know if the above will work for you.
  • Perlman
    Replied on October 18, 2017 at 3:08 PM

    Thank you.

    It looks like the section collapse element have viewing enabled. Is that correct?

    That looks like a good solution.

    Do you know if it is possible to set css styles to the section collapse element?

    Thank you,


    Replied on October 18, 2017 at 4:26 PM

    Thank you for your response. I would like to respond to your comments inline.

    It looks like the section collapse element have viewing enabled. Is that correct?

    -Yes the section has viewing enable due to but the content in the collapse element hidden by default and will only be displayed if the arrow is clicked/activated. With this it ensures that once selected the

    Do you know if it is possible to set css styles to the section collapse element?

    -Yes it is possible to set CSS to the Collapse element to suite a specific look and feel. You can let us know how yo want it to look and we can be able to assist in changing the look of the element.

    If you have CSS knowledge however kindly check out the guide below.

    Hope the above information is helpful. If you need further assistance kindly feel free to contact us.

  • Perlman
    Replied on October 18, 2017 at 5:32 PM

    Thank you.

    I like the function and look of a header with the image. Is there a way to replicate that using the collapse element?

    1508362318Capture10 18 Screenshot 10

    Also, how do I set the section collapse to be closed when the page is navigated to?

    Thank you,


  • Perlman
    Replied on October 18, 2017 at 6:14 PM


     Another question:

    Is it possible to force the selected image within a package above the next package section?

    1508363892Capture10 18 1 Screenshot 10

    For example, above, the Alex casket has been selected from the Sierra Burial Package. The Alex casket/package description(a text element) is displayed below the Mesquite Burial Package section.

    I would like to have the Alex casket (text element) displayed so it looks like it is part of the Sierra Package.

    Thank you,


  • Kevin Support Team Lead
    Replied on October 18, 2017 at 9:55 PM

    In order to assist you better, I've moved your questions to different threads,  we will assist you as soon as possible on the following threads: