Auto Complete widget: Possibility to pull the options from the Google Spreadsheet or an excel file

  • skyproff
    Asked on February 18, 2018 at 4:13 PM

    Would it be possible to get Autocomplete take items from google spreadsheet?

  • Mike
    Replied on February 18, 2018 at 4:28 PM

    Unfortunately, this is not currently.

    Please confirm that you are referring to the 'Spreadsheet to form' widget so we will be able to escalate a feature request ticket to our developers.

  • skyproff
    Replied on February 19, 2018 at 2:43 AM
    I'm actually referring to Autocomplete widget
    It has a box where I can add Items
    [image: Tekstisisene pilt 1]
    Instead of this box I would like to fetch the list from a spreadsheet (like
    Spreadsheet to forms widget).
    usercase would be:
    user types name of an item and it automatically offers a correct name for
    the item from the source list.
    Problem with just a entry box is that there could be different spelling or
    naming for the same item (from user)
    Problem with check box is that if the list is long, it's hard to manage by
    Problem with autocomplete is that it is difficult to manage the list by
    I hope it makes sense.
    Mihkel Nurm
    +372 56 91 42 41
    2018-02-18 23:28 GMT+02:00 JotForm :
  • BJoanna
    Replied on February 19, 2018 at 8:58 AM

    Unfortunately, we are unable to see an image you attached. Please note that the files that are attached inside of an email will not be shown here on the forum. You have to open this thread and upload your screenshot

    However, I understood your request and I will raise it to our developers. Please note that we can not provide you any time frame when and if this will be implemented. If there is any update we will inform you via this thread.