Is it possible to create form content based on the input from another form?

  • _cib_
    Asked on March 27, 2018 at 10:16 AM

    Hello there,

    I am trying to make a form for a travel-booking request. I have a main form with general information about the travel, and four buttons (which I already implemented using HTML code).

    When you click one of these buttons, you're directed to another little form where you can fill in information about hotel, flight, train, or taxi drives (the hotel-form already exists, and the button on main form already directs to it, via HTML link button).

    So here comes my issue: I want that the data from the little form (hotel etc.) is shown in the main form, after the user submitted the little form.

    Furthermore, I want that the user can add as many hotel/flight/train/taxi forms as he wants. So that every travel option added is shown in the main form.

    Is there a way to realize this?

    Jotform Thread 1427036 Screenshot
  • Ashwin JotForm Support
    Replied on March 27, 2018 at 11:42 AM

    If I understand your workflow, your first/main form is not a JotForm. Is that correct?

    When you submit your main form, are you able to read the value of your form field? If yes, than you can take advantage of our "URL Parameter" feature to populate your JotForm. The following guide should help you on how to use URL parameter feature:

    If both the form is JotForm, you may like to to take a look at the following guide: 

    Hope this helps.

    Do get back to us if you have any questions.

  • _cib_
    Replied on March 27, 2018 at 11:57 AM

    Thank you for the quick response!

    Both of the forms are JotForms. And I already found the guide for pre-populating form fields and pass form data to another form. I implemented a pre-populated URL in the thank-you-page of my little form and it works fine.

    But I want that a user can add more than one hotel/train/flight/taxi forms. So that the main form changes dynamically, depending on how many travel options the user needs. 

    Example for a use case: a user wants to request more than one hotel bookings, so he can fill in another hotel form via clicking on the "hotel"-button and after submitting it, the provided data are shown under the first hotel-booking-request.

    During my research I also found the "Configurable List"-widget, but it's not really suitable for my case because the data which I want to add to the main form come from another form.

  • Jed_C
    Replied on March 27, 2018 at 1:26 PM

    To clarify, the first form will be updated when a user adds hotel/train/flight/taxi?

    ex. User added 3 hotels, 3 trains

    Main form

    3 Hotel information

    3 Train information

    When a user adds another bookings or person, it will be updated on the main form, correct? Currently, you cannot capture the parameters inside the "Configurable List" widget as widgets are loaded separately.

    My suggestion:

    If one form would work for you, you can add multiple pages with the same information for hotel/train/flight/taxi and hide/show or skip pages using Jotform's condition


    You can create a field that asks if the user wants to add more, if user clicks on "Yes", it will direct the user on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd pages of hotel/train/flight/taxi.

    Let us know if this works for you. Looking forward for your response. 

  • _cib_
    Replied on March 28, 2018 at 3:14 AM

    Ok, I think that should work. Thanks for your help :)