Creating Workflow with 2 Approvals / Varying Recipients

  • DOFinance
    Asked on December 1, 2020 at 12:56 PM

    Hello, I am attempting to create a travel approval worksheet here:

    In this worksheet, there are 3 sections: (1) the requestor, who fills out the form, (2) the supervisor, who approves the form, and (3) the finance team, who approves the form.

    I am having difficulty building the workflow. I would like that:

    STEP 1:When the requestor submits the form (page 1), he/she receives an autoresponder notification email with a copy of their submission, while the supervisor (approver #1) receives an email notifying them of required approval action. This first approval email should be directed to the email address entered in the form field {Supervisor E-mail}.

    STEP 2: When the supervisor signs the form (page 2), he/she receives an autoresponder notification email with a copy of their submission, while the finance team receives an email notifying them of required approval action. This finance team approval email will not change - unlike the supervisor email - and will always be the same address.

    STEP 3: When the finance team signs the form (page 3), he/she receives an autoresponder notification email with a copy of their submission, and the requestor and supervisor receive a copy as well.

    Can you please help me understand how to build in this logic?

  • Cecile JotForm Support
    Replied on December 3, 2020 at 8:32 PM

    Hi there,

    Thank you for your patience.

    I cloned you form and I was able to come up with the workflow that you require.

    Please note:

    *The Supervisor page should not be accessible to Finance and Requestor.

    So, we will add a short text field for the supervisor password. Then, we will create a condition that will only show fields for Supervisor's page if the entered supervisor password is correct.


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    *The Finance page should not be accessible to the Supervisor and Requestor as well.

    So, we will follow the same process done with the Supervisor page.

    Add a short text field for the finance password. Then, we will create a condition that will only show fields for Finance page if the entered finance password is correct.


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    To stop the form from hinting password like the one below.

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    Go to Settings -> Form Settings -> Set Allow Browser AutoComplete to No

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    Now, we will proceed with setting our emails.

    STEP 1:When the requestor submits the form (page 1), he/she receives an autoresponder notification email with a copy of their submission, while the supervisor (approver #1) receives an email notifying them of required approval action. This first approval email should be directed to the email address entered in the form field {Supervisor E-mail}.

    For this requirement, we will have to create two autoresponder emails. Requestor's Copy will be sent to the requestor and Supervisor's Copy will be sent to supervisor and will have an edit link to allow him/her to edit the submission.

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    Then, we will add the condition below:

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    STEP 2: When the supervisor signs the form (page 2), he/she receives an autoresponder notification email with a copy of their submission, while the finance team receives an email notifying them of required approval action. This finance team approval email will not change - unlike the supervisor email - and will always be the same address.

    Add a notification email for finance.

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    Add the condition below:

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    STEP 3: When the finance team signs the form (page 3), he/she receives an autoresponder notification email with a copy of their submission, and the requestor and supervisor receive a copy as well.

    Add the condition below:

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    Feel free to clone my form:


    Let us know if this fits your requirement. Thank you.

  • DOFinance
    Replied on December 7, 2020 at 5:43 PM

    AMAZING! This has been so helpful. Thank you!