Password Protect Submissions Updates

  • icsseasonal
    Asked on February 9, 2021 at 2:48 PM

    I have a form where I want people to be able to go back at a later date and edit their submission. Brilliant - easy to do, thank you. My concern though is that the link could be followed by anyone, rather than just the submitter of the form. It is just a 19 digit number. Is there a way of this submission being password protected? I know I can password protect the form to prevent unwanted submissions - that is not my question. It is password protecting a submission to prevent third-party access to it.

    Many thanks for this excellent product.

    Jim Perryman

  • Kat JotForm Support
    Replied on February 9, 2021 at 5:52 PM

    Hi Jim,

    Happy to help!

    Have you had a chance yet to look into encrypting your Forms? Here's our guide on encrypted-forms-and-how-to-use-them.

    This is different than password protecting a form: encrypting your form will encrypt all stored submission data. I highly recommend carefully reading about what encrypting entails before going ahead and encrypting your data as the data can only be decrypted using the particular Encryption Key, which JotForm does not hold record of.

    Could you please take a look at the link above and let us know if this is what you are looking for?

    Thank you!

  • icsseasonal
    Replied on February 10, 2021 at 5:33 AM
    Thanks for the reply. It looks as though this might be suitable, but I do
    not get the 'Encrypt Form Data' option when I click on Form Setting.(see my
    screen shot below your help sheet example). I'd much prefer a simple
    password option if that was available as I don't want to make things over
    complicated for those using the form. Any ideas?
    1612953211 6023b67b4521d image Screenshot 10
    1612953211 6023b67bb4bd8 image Screenshot 21
  • jonathan
    Replied on February 10, 2021 at 7:15 AM

    We apologize for inconvenience. But can you please clarify first that you were sharing the form's submission page.

    User guide : How to Share Form's Submissions Page

    By default, sharing the form submission in Private option will require viewer to have an account, which also require them to use email authentication.

    There use to be a password method when sharing submission in the previous version. But it was since been updated and replaced by Form Tables features.

    The updated version is more advance as it will now require authentication by creating an account.

    I hope this help. Let us know if you need further assistance.

  • icsseasonal
    Replied on February 10, 2021 at 9:11 AM
    No, I'm not sharing the form's submission page. I only want a user to be
    able to update their own submission at a later date. They receive the form
    link in the notification email, but I would like to password protect their
    submission to prevent it being accessed by anyone else.
  • Eduardo JotForm Support
    Replied on February 10, 2021 at 10:51 AM

    Hello @icsseasonal

    Restricting the edition with a password is only possible using form assignment:

    With form assignments you'll control which users are able to fill and edit the form. Assigned users will be required to log into a JotForm account or to create a new account.

    Here is an article on how to add assignees: Guide: Adding-assignees-to-your-form

    You should keep the form Private to prevent non-assignees from filling and editing the form:

    1612972135 60240067752bb Screenshot Screenshot 10

    I hope that was helpful. Let us know if you need any further assistance.

  • icsseasonal
    Replied on February 11, 2021 at 6:44 AM
    Since the original reply, responses have been disappointingly vague and off
    the original subject - including no follow up to my question about
    encryption as raised by the first response. However, despite the
    disappointing replies, I have worked out a simple but effective method of
    doing exactly what I need and password protecting people's responses,
    allowing only them and me to access what they have previously submitted.
    I'd be happy to share this method if anyone else was interested.
  • Patrick_R
    Replied on February 11, 2021 at 7:04 AM

    Hello! We're glad to know that you've successfully found a workaround for your problem. If you feel comfortable and want us to review your workaround; then you can share your technique with us.

    In case you wish to encrypt your form; the guide that my colleague provided should help. In your screenshot; I do see the setting to encrypt your form. May we know what issue are you facing while using this option?

    Awaiting your response.

    Thank you!

  • Patrick_R
    Replied on February 11, 2021 at 7:06 AM

    BTW, please note that if you encrypt your form; your users won't be able to edit their submissions as only the form owner can decrypt these submissions; the required private key is only with the form owner.

    Thank you!