Approval workflow with different approver based on users answers

  • sunshine875
    Asked on June 24, 2022 at 5:41 AM

    Good day,

    Trying to see if an approval process will work before we purchase a plan. I have a purchase requisition form for now, but hoping that I can create forms for multiple departments in the future if I can get this right.

    The form has the usual items which get picked and added but I have made the Approver a drop down option.

    I am wanting it to flow like this

    Requestor, fills in form, picks an approver

    The approver then approves/denies the request via email

    and then if approved goes to finance for payment with its attachment

    Is this possible? I want one form that you can pick from a list of approvers and then it will go through to the correct person.

    I tried to find the answer online but couldn't quite find the right combination.

    Thank you


  • Myla JotForm Support
    Replied on June 24, 2022 at 6:19 AM

    Hello Diana,

    Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. Yes, that's right, you can add approver depends on Users answers. Let me help you with it, in the Approval Table, you may add Conditional Branch Element in order to set conditions to which approver will receive the email for approval. As soon as data is received from the users answers on your form, it should trigger which Approver will make the Approval. As soon as the request is approved or deny then you can add another Email Element to send notification to your Finance Department, you may check the screenshot below for your reference:

    1656065809 62b58f119123f Screen Shot 202 Screenshot 10

    Give it a try and reach out again if you have any other questions.